下福活動中心量體小,也還在施工階段,但意外地成為公共工程金質獎建築類候選作品!感謝所有團隊為了建築最高品質而努力,加油! The Xiafu Activity Centre is small, we are still in construction, but surprisingly the Government has chosen it to...

很開心今天 Beyonder Times的Julien Huang跟Ernest來到IMO辦公室採訪Lain 萊恩 Satrustegui建築師 Today Julien and Ernest from Beyonder Times came to interview Lain Satrústegui 萊恩 at IMO's office....

誰可以拒絕這些巧克力的誘惑?感謝#ecoscope一口規劃設計顧問 Angela C Soong 的驚喜,週末快樂!Who can resist to eat these little pieces of art?Thanks Ecoscope Angela for the surprise to finish the...

年假過完了來玩個遊戲提振精神吧!我們在下福活動中心的施工現場找到了這些塑膠盒子。有沒有人能猜得出來這是甚麼呢?第一個答對的人會有來自我們特別的問候唷!答案將星期五公布,快來分享你的答案吧! To start the week with strength we propose all of you an interesting game! We found these plastic items boxed...

你有想過怎麼觀察真實的世界嗎?Have you ever thought about how to observe reality?IMO的合夥建築師伊萊恩在「台灣建築學會」會刊雜誌第80期發表了一篇文章「真實的魅力The Magic of Reality」. 本期的客座主編漆志剛集結了多位建築師與教授的有趣文章,我們超級推薦你看一看這本刊物!The magazine “Architectural Institute of Taiwan”, in its 80th...

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