29 Nov IMO Architecture Sports Goods Factory Facade
Sometimes a simple concept can be the most efficient design strategy. A gesture that all tennis players have seen defines the purpose of the building and at the same allow us to create a facade that transform the factory in to an extremely beautiful iconic building
Having in mind the requirement of incorporating a billboard in to the facade, we decide not to leave just a space for it, but incorporate it in to the design. Giving and extra value to the billboard towards the future possible clients.
DESIGN TEAM: 伊萊恩 Lain Satrustegui, 巫達 Urdaneta Zeberio. Local Partner:邱金印建築師事務所
團隊: 伊萊恩 Lain Satrustegui, 巫達 Urdaneta Zeberio. Local Partner:邱金印建築師事務所
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