03 Sep 台北氣象站及氣象儀器檢校中心發包出去了 Construction Begins!
Is there a greater satisfaction than to reach an objective that you have put a lot of dedication, time and effort and that a few months ago seemed impossible? It has been 5 long years of standing firm in the goal of building the Taipei Weather Station & Calibration Centre as per the original design.
由衷感謝我們的合作夥伴們 程俊強建築師和黃一展建築師一同為此案投注大量心血;感謝築遠勇於挑戰不同於以往傳統建築結構的計算,他們全面性的支持使原始設計能夠實現;謝謝永業的張技師和劉技師,讓所有事情都變為可能也能夠達成;感謝新北市政府新工處與其團隊成員,即便不是最輕鬆容易能夠完成的選擇,也決定支持這項工程。謝謝台北氣象站及氣象儀器檢校中心自始自終都要使這項工程實現的決心。
We can’t be more grateful to our partners Daniel Cheng & Yizhan Huang architects for their titanic work; to Envision Engineering for their courage to face challenges that surpass the calculation of traditional structures and for their incontestable support to make the design right; to Yongye , Zhang and Liu engineers for making it possible for everything to fit in right; the Public Construction of New Taipei City and their entire team for their determination to support this project despite not being the most comfortable thing to do. To the Calibration Centre, for that immovable determination to make this project a reality.
Finally to all foreign and Taiwanese architects of our office who throughout these 5 years have brought so much joy and solutions when they were necessary.
Can’t wait to see the construction start!
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Posted at 12:00h, 18 September[…] 台北氣象站及氣象儀器檢校中心發包出去了 Construction Begins! […]
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Posted at 13:43h, 18 September[…] 台北氣象站及氣象儀器檢校中心發包出去了 Construction Begins! […]