imo architecture Casa Juno


2 years ago, a Yogi took us to the top of a mountain where he wanted to build a tiny house. In that place we found a lot of stones of different sizes and shapes scattered on the ground. The lichens of the stones told us that they had withstood many winters, laying undisturbed for more than a century. In another time, they could have been used to guard a herd of cattle, but could they be useful again? What added value could these stones have that materials such as steel or concrete don’t?

Meditation for a Yogi is the moment of union with supreme consciousness, immutable to the passage of time, eternal. The immutability of these stones before the passage of time can arouse that awareness of the supreme in yogis who come into contact with them, an immaterial quality that is irreplaceable.

We selected the stones one by one to fit one over the other and generated a surprising result: Casa Juno was born

LOCATION: Undués de Lerda, SPAIN
PROGRAM: Yoga Ashram Dormitory
FLOOR AREA: 70.5 m2
ARCHITECTURE DESIGN TEAM:  伊萊恩Lain Satrustegui, Javier Milara, Michael Blaeser, Laura Morales, 鄭乃寧 Lynn Cheng
CLIENT: Witryh Yoga School
YEAR: 2018
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2年前,一位瑜伽士把我們帶到了山頂,他想在那建造一座小屋。 在那裡,我們發現許多不同大小和形狀的石頭散佈在地上。 這些石頭的地衣對我們述說著,即便它們歷經風霜,卻依舊屹立不搖的在這超過一個世紀。 在過去的年代,這些石頭曾被用來砌成守護牛群的圍牆,但它們能否再次擁有其他用途? 這些石頭有什麼附加價值是鋼鐵或混凝土等材料所不具備的呢?

2 years ago, a Yogi took us to the top of a mountain where he wanted to build a tiny house. In that place we found a lot of stones of different sizes and shapes scattered on the ground. The lichens of the stones told us that they had withstood many winters, laying undisturbed for more than a century. In another time, they could have been used to guard a herd of cattle, but could they be useful again? What added value could these stones have that materials such as steel or concrete don’t?

冥想對於瑜珈士是心靈與至高無上的意識結合的時刻,使時間進入靜止,成為永恆的通道。 這些石頭經過長久歲月考驗也不被改變的永恆性,將能喚醒前來接觸的瑜伽士們內心崇高至上的意識,一股無可取代的無形力量。
Meditation for a Yogi is the moment of union with supreme consciousness, immutable to the passage of time, eternal. The immutability of these stones before the passage of time can arouse that awareness of the supreme in yogis who come into contact with them, an immaterial quality that is irreplaceable.

為了使其能相互疊合,每顆石頭都是我們仔細篩選出來,一塊一塊堆砌成型,令人驚豔的Casa Juno小屋也因此誕生。
We selected the stones one by one to fit one over the other and generated a surprising result: Casa Juno was born.

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